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Monthly Archives: April 2013

EU Bans Neonicotinoids

In a milestone victory for environmentalists and beekeepers, the EU has banned the use of neonicotinoids for the next two years. While still controversial, neonicotinoids are believed to be one of the links to CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder) that is responsible for killing off almost half of the bees populations found in industrialized nations. While Bayer … Continue reading »

Categories: Bees | Leave a comment

Alive and Kickin’

I went to Sandy (my only hive, but about to be joined by another) today to check how the ladies were doing. They had seemed OK when I had peaked in last time, but since I was only looking at the top of inner cover, I wasn’t sure if the handful of bees I saw … Continue reading »

Categories: Bees, Spring | Leave a comment