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Monthly Archives: January 2015

With Much Sadness I Report…

Although everything looked fine just a few weeks before, I put my ear to one of my hives this morning and heard nothing. Not the tell-tale swish of the ocean, not a far away hum. Nothing. I steeled myself for the inevitable, and muttering no-no-no in a hushed tone, I opened the hive. It was … Continue reading »

Categories: Bees | 1 Comment

Alive And Kicking Jan 2015

I’ve done my January check in, and both hives look alive. Typically sluggish as they are in the winter, but alive. At 41F today, and a mild winter so far (almost no snow and some Dec days above 50F), I think the two colonies will make it to the spring, and judging from experience, getting … Continue reading »

Categories: Bees | Leave a comment